AP FACT CHECK: Trump at rally falsely cites a Biden apology

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President Trump claimed at his Tulsa rally that Joe Biden apologized for opposing his travel restrictions on China early in the pandemic. But he didn't apologize, and he actually supported the restrictions.

President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the BOK Center, Saturday, June 20, 2020, in Tulsa, Okla.

The Democrat has indeed accused Trump of having a record of xenophobia, and hasn’t apologized for doing so. Trump began calling the virus the “China virus” at one point, prompting Biden to urge the country not to take a turn toward xenophobia or racism in the pandemic. More than 119,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. The CDC puts the U.S. death toll from the 2009-2010 H1N1 pandemic at about 12,500.VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: “Oklahoma has really been in the forefront of our efforts to slow the spread. And in a very real sense, they’ve flattened the curve. ... The number of cases in Oklahoma — it’s declined precipitously.” — remarks Monday.

Trump’s staff members have put out statements under his name each year of his presidency marking Juneteenth. That year, President Barack Obama barred the government from supplying certain types of military equipment to local police departments, a policy Trump reversed two years later. In addition, taking certain anti-HIV drugs every day also can work as prevention, dramatically reducing the chances that someone who is still healthy becomes infected through sex or injection drug use. A small fraction of the Americans who might benefit use that “preexposure prophylaxis.”

The VA’s effort to provide same-day primary and mental health care when medically necessary at every VA medical center was publicized in April 2016, during the Obama administration. By late 2016, the department’s blog announced that goal would be achieved by year’s end. Last fall, VA changed how it counted, removing some active-duty service members and former members of the National Guard and Reserve who had been in the mix. That left a suicide rate of 17 per day by military veterans, a change that reflected no improvement but merely a different methodology.CHILDREN & COVID-19


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Would be nice if you stated some actual evidence in your “reporting”

Pants on fire!!

Haha. Typical Donald.

I also congratulated President Trump. you’re garbage.

Biden did not support the ban. Evidence?

Your headline is so full of horse crap.

This AP story is a lie!


Most people know the fool lies about everything...all except for his faithful. Looks likes his BS is finally wearing thin.


Lie much, AP?

Joe Biden criticized the President when he stopped all flights out of China from arriving into the United States. Clearly, there are many people in the media with selective memory

Your research is pitiful... he was admittedly opposed the travel restrictions... he later said Trump was correct.

No he didn't. AP, I saw Bidens press conference. He didn't support any part of Trump's travel ban. Liars

This is bul!shit, “fact checkers” he didn’t support it. You must think your readers are dumb af if you think they can’t remember or read. Someone needs to fact check the fact checkers


“In time of trauma” You guys are a joke. Right there w the rest of MSM!!!

AP - Full Of Shit

Hahahahaha another BS story from the BS queen.

Joe did not support the ban everyone watched him claim it was racist.

Was interesting witnessing Traump giving himself an Ego Blast 🤯 last night.

MrJonCryer Doesn’t matter what he says the cult will believe him and he knows it. Cult45

I'd there anyway possible for Donny to speak and lies Not come out of his mouth?

You are FakeNews.

The Biden campaign says that the reference “was about Trump’s long record of scapegoating others” and not specifically about the travel ban. On April 3, the Biden campaign announced that the former Vice President supported Trump’s decision to impose travel restrictions on China.

There’s also no evidence that Biden delivered any sort of “apology”

Twitter you need to label this post false. In February, Biden labeled Trump's restriction on China 'xenophobic.' I'm sure you will get right on this to prove you don't just use your censoring labels for people you hate, right, TwitterSupport?

Biden only supported the restrictions after it worked. At first said he wouldn’t do it and called Trump a racist


Biden said the restrictions were xenophobic

Two months later hacks

I feel sorry for you that you have to make this stuff up. It must be frustrating working through TrumpDerangementSyndrome.

SethAbramson He also claimed he popularized Juneteenth. That nobody 'ever heard of it' before him.'

Uhm - since you guys seem to be rewriting what happened, you might want to tell ol’ Joe that. Before he forgets, or China pays Hunter to tell him what to think.

This is a LIE. Biden called Trumps Jan 32 China travel ban “xenophobic”. If Biden had been President the COVID19 spread would have been MUCH worse. This article is FakeNews

Lol stupid ap fact check. Biden doesn't remember anything he says lol! He doesn't even know where he's at lmfao! Standing against the travel ban helped usher in the kungflu and all voters who agreed, aligned themselves with the fascist left. Over 100,000 dead= their fault.

I think I need to start a group that fact checks the AP.

Blah blah blah, AP. Spare us.


You lost all credibility AP. How can you look yourself in the mirror with that headline.

Then CreepyJoeBiden is either extremely ignorant or he’s just proving that it’s really a shame what Dementia does to the elderly!


Why is it the 'fact checkers' fixated on President Trump, I never see them committed this hard on people like Pelosi, Shumer, Durbin, the Liberal media etc? Clinton and Obama were never 'fact checked' and look at the bullshit they spread.

This is what America thinks of Sleepy Joe!!

Truly the enemy of the people...

This is a lie! Further proof that AP can't be trusted . How about a Biden quote from the venerable AP at the time Trump issued the restriction showing Biden's support. In fact, Biden referred to Trump as xenophobic at the time. Biden supported after the restriction proved right.

HAHAHA!!! Here is what Biden said THE DAY AFTER Trump's China travel restriction.


After calling it xenophobic. Joe would be a great WW2 strategist.

He should have apologized if he did not after calling Pres DT a racist and fear monger for stopping flights from China As apolitical Bob Gates has said, Biden has been wrong about every major policy decision for 40 yrs. Chalk up one more.

Even AP has started moving into the fake news business to cover for Biden. Joe Biden said it was Xenophobic when Trump did it. Don’t lie AP. It’s easy to find Biden’s statement.

Untrue, he opposed them, such an incompetent fact check.

That’s a lie, he called it xenophobic You’re as bad as CNN 😡

Joe Biden does not remember his wife’s name.

No. No he didn’t.

Joe was with the liberal line against travel until he was for it. rewrites history

How much does the Democratic party pay you all? Or is it an in kind contribution?

Biden ACTUALLY called the presidents actions 'nakedly xenophobic'.

This is a lie. Biden opposed the restrictions at first, calling it hysteria, and then later said he was wrong. So much for the associated press...

You mean Tesla?

Biden called it 'hysteria, xenopbobia and fear-mongering.' is FakeNews

Lies and nothing but lies !

I don’t know about the apology ....FACT CHECK but Joe Biden did originally go against the Covid travel ban but came around later.

Im glad i didn't do the politic fact drinking game during his rally i would be calling 911 for alcohol poisoning 1 min in. Almost every statement he made was false.

He was called a racist for taking action against China early..GFY AP..

This is false 'reporting'. Biden did not support Trump's travel ban to protect Americans from the virus migrating here from China. He called Trump xenophobic as did Miss Chinatown Pelosi. That was the Dem talking point.

Actually Biden condemned it and called it xenophobia.

SethAbramson Shouldn’t the President of the United States be able to get it right at least get it mostly right? Is it too much to expect? From the guy it is. The bar is so low. Pathetic

Ah fact check were were there when he said trump was right

This headline is literally all lies.

Wrong. Biden came out against travel restrictions. They were “xenophobic”, according to him, and according to Nancy Pelosi. Trump was already taking action against the virus while Democrats were asleep at the switch. Nice try at covering for the doddering old fool, AP.

Stop the lies.

are such liars! Took less than 30 seconds to find video of Biden in Iowa bashing the travel ban calling Trump xenophobic & fear monger.

All trump does is lie...dont forget to drink Clorox

AP claims 'nakedly xenophobic' is the same as full support. Yeah, fact-checkers are just an extension of fakenews🙄



Psst, AP = Absolutely Pathetic! 👇

Asssss Holesssss👍 ObamaGate SpyGate Smocking SpiritCooking WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE Qanon🐸

is lying again. JoeBiden called realDonaldTrump a xenophobe for his first steps in stopping travel from China. Stop lying FakeNewsMedia

claimed they were news

*knowingly lied

That is not true but thanks for playing.

Somebody needs to fact check the fake fact checkers!

Fuck this demonstrable lie

fakenews again.

SethAbramson I love how Trump congratulating himself is treated as news when it’s literally half of what he does (the other half is split between lying and rage tweeting)

Fuckin liars 🙄

He 100% didn’t.

“Supported travel restrictions”? 🤔

You’re lying, this is not a fact check.


You do know we have that....that, you know that thing where we can see what people wrote in the past.

Are you this nuts?

Whoa!!!! Fact checking by AP: FAKE NEWS


Trump is a lier

Sure, referring to the ban as 'hysteria', 'xenophobia' and 'fear-mongering' is a great way of showing support for it.😂

🚨FALSE 🚨 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥 FAKE NEWS ALERT You guys just LIE, no wonder why no one believes a word you say anymore. Biden called President Trump all kinds of names for the China travel ban and was totally against it. But please don’t let facts get in your way 🙄

Trump and Biden clashed over how airtight the restrictions on travel from China were. Biden campaign claims the president let 40,000 travellers into the US from China after he signed the order. President Trump hit back, saying these were US citizens coming home - so.

stop the stupidity. JoeBiden first response was realDonaldTrump was behaving racist and homophobic by the ban. Stop the lies. We are tired of all of you Fake News outlets

You’d think after this much practice you’d be better at lying.

Another AP flat out lie. Amazing

Did you just fly in from an alternate universe? Because he did say that in this reality. Stop messing.

Show us where Biden supported the restrictions. When did that happen? Come on, . Do some journalism.

What about this reaction to those restrictions makes you think he actually supported them? Pff. 'Fact checkers.'

Biden said Trumps travel bans were xenophobic.

Come on Twitter you can fact check that can’t you. TwitterSupport

AP is fake news

Well, looks here. Trump gave you all lots of homework, huh? Lol 😂

Not true. Biden opposed the ban calling it racist then later said it was good.

He LIES like the CHINESE.

Where the word TRUMP in Great Britain is a children' slang word for FART, realDonaldTrump is showing us that he follows through on everything. I can smell his pants from thousands of miles away.

Biden said it was xenophobic And later walked back or apologized

tpham26863223 Trump needs removed now!!


SethAbramson Meanwhile, Americans were spreading it within the country. The problem was much bigger than just a few people on a cruise ship.... so no testing preparations made and only those linked to China travel getting the few dozens of tests that were granted.

Here you go again fake media AP.

He fucking did not. Soon and trump did it joe opposed it and called him xenophobic. Get a gd clue.

Fact Check: AP Dem deepstate shill not journalism

AP, you need to do you job. There's so many liars and corrupt politicians in the Democrat party you've ignored for decades. Your propaganda is sick and you will be in hell if you keep up your terroristic hate spreading propaganda.

This guy lies about everything..

Lies AP Joe Biden said Trump was xenophobic for the travel restrictions

Wrong. The fact checker needs to fact check the fact checker

Fact-checked. Lie No 1 by White House Clown.

Fact check: Most of opposition did oppose, criticize Trump's travel restriction on Muslims, China, immigrants.

Это важный для меня пост

Yea well, Trump is the biggest liar ever to hit Washington, so I have no choice but to fluff this off, in the same manner I fluff off everything else this man child says or does.

It seems he said nothing of note. Looked like a rehash stand up routine

lol, FakeNews liars. I saw JoeBiden say the ban was racist with my own eyes. You are disgusting.

Xenophobic is what Biden said ... or will you dispute that too, bearer of fake news.

This is total bullshit by the AP. Correct it Fake News. Now.

WTF AP, you are not even trying to hide how biased against Trump you are. Biden sure as hell was against the travel restrictions when they were first announced! You list me as a follower!

Are you saying the Orange King is a liar? Them's agreeing words.

UROCKlive1 Trump lies again...

Nope. Geez Try doing your own fact checking. Is there no integrity left at AP? Biden was outspoken about how wrong President Trump was to institute travel restrictions on China. We, the people don’t forget. Nice try FakeNews

Trump prob lying. Also, Biden criticized the travel restrictions, why are YOU lying?

Fuctchecked AP; Biden supported Trump on China travel restrictions and refuses to apologize for it. Thanks for checking, AP! Trump's greatest asset is his uncanny ability to remain underestimated by the people he just outsmarted!

SethAbramson His restriction was a joke, anyway. It only applied to Chinese nationals.

Fact check: Biden tried to weasel out of saying he called the China travel ban racist and xenophobic. Didn’t work.

Hahahaha! Of course he did. Everything is ALWAYS someone else's fault

WritesMore You mean trump LIED?

Only a mentally disorder person can say what he said.

I reported your statement for being false. I know how both you & Twitter love to fact check false political statements. You’re welcome AP! 😑

Whenever a sentence starts with 'trump claims...' I stop reading. Cuz...

Biden tweeted when Trump announced travel ban on China.

No In the beginning he opposed them Calling Trump a racist

Who cares

So now saying that something is racist is actually supporting it? That's new

realDonaldTrump is FAKE FAME NEWS HIM SELF spinner of lies!

No, JoeBiden did NOT support the travel bans put in place on incoming flights from China, Africa, and Europe on 1/31/2020 to protect us from ChineseWuhanVirus COVID19 He was busy calling Trump racist, xenophobic, hysterical, and a fear monger.

UROCKlive1 🎶And the farmer hauled another load away🎶

SethAbramson Donald Trump just makes stuff up.

SethAbramson Trump loves bragging as much as lying. 'No one even come close!' Oftentimes when Trump confused the two he just embellished them for more optics effects. sarahcpr PressSec USAGBarr gtconway3d Timodc maggieNYT

He got to you tonight, huh

Another Failure.

Huelfox2 I mean - is it really any kind of shock that he was lying? tRump lies every time he opens his filthy mouth whether the situation warrants it or not. It's just what he does.

Liberal media is now in full desperation mode .....

SethAbramson You mean that travel restriction which still allowed 40,000 people to fly betw US & Wuhan afterward? THAT one?

Not at first he did not-more fake news!

laureldavilacpa Trump's lips moving = lying

After he said he would not have shut down travel from China. Thank God Trump is our President dementiajoe joebasement

AP...don’t take Biden’s word for it. He doesn’t even remember he was VP or what his name is.

I'd just like to say hi to all the MAGA-folk that are sour over to the K-Pop teens ruining their little Klan rally

SethAbramson Airlines had already imposed restrictions on travel to/from China several days before Trump claimed credit for it.

AP is peddling lies here. Despicable

He apologized for calling trump a racist and xenophobic

C'mon AP. Will you at least pretend to be a legitimate news source?

just gut this fish Send a message to repressive and elitists leaders by charging Trump with CrimesAgainstHumanity

He did not support them. You cant just revise history. “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering,”

Um, no, he did not support the restrictions.

Shocking the Pedodent lied. 🙄

This is ludicrous. Gaslighting at its finest.


FakeNews as AP lies.

Only same breed will vote for this guy. American should be ashamed of themselves having this president 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍👍

Biden said Trump was xenophobic for the travel restrictions. Fact check yourself.

Not when Trump first announced it! Do your damn job!

Trump instituted the China travel ban early on Jan 31st Later that day at a campaign rally Biden said the following: 'This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear-mongering to lead the way instead of science.' Coincidence?

“If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes accepted as truth.” - Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels

Haha no he did not 😂😂

Horseshit. Worse than FakeNews

Biden appose the travel ban at 1st. You think we have short memories?

Biden did not support the restrictions. Are you seriously trying to re-write history, ? Biden called Trump 'xenophobic' for banning travel from China when the outbreak started:

Please play this video. Everyone in the world help me😭

Wrong JoeBiden called Trump an extreme xenophobe for banning flights from China. JoeBiden was against all banning for over a month. Many videos show Biden attacking Trump for the bannings. Why do you lie so much & with narratives that are easily proved false? No journalists

A while after, but I guess evidence isn’t part of MSM playbook

Reason number 686434 why the press is the enemy of the people. Biden did not support the travel ban and everyone knows it

He doesn't convey reality. He doesn't want to.

AP is FakeNews

DefundAP for consistent bias

'Fact check '

WRONG. He opposed it. He later claimed he supported it. You’re a joke.

No he opposes them. Stop lying to your sheep.

Lying Trump's record hits 25,000. And the number is climbing as fast as the Covid-19 cases.

When did Biden support the travel restrictions in the early stages? Please provide a link.

He didn't support the restrictions until AFTER he called them xenophobic.

Once again, trump proves he’s incapable of telling the truth.

Fact check: 100% bull shit

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