COVID-19: New Zealanders may be able to travel to some Australian states before Christmas, Ardern says

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Travel between New Zealand and some states of Australia is possible before the end of the year, New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said ...

People walk on a street in Wellington's Central Business District on May 14, 2020. WELLINGTON: Travel between New Zealand and some states of Australia is possible before the end of the year, New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Monday .

"What we would need to be assured of is that when Australia is saying 'okay we've got a hotspot over here' that the border around that hotspot means that people aren't able to travel into the states where we are engaging with in trans-Tasman travel," she said.Ardern said Australia was pretty satisfied with both how New Zealand was tracking now and how they are tracking generally.

READ: New Zealand aware of Singapore's intent to establish travel, advisory to residents remains unchanged


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