Coronavirus: Time to resume travel, with certain precautions in place

  • 📰 The Straits Times
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The possibility of a small number of infections that can be quickly contained, against thousands of jobs saved, is certainly worth looking into, says Salma Khalik.. Read more at

These travellers will, of course, need to serve quarantine or SHN, or whatever measures are in force, on their return to Singapore. But they will be quarantined only once, not twice.Allowing such travel would help airlines, hotels and tourist attractions generate some income and keep their staff employed.

But the zoonotic expert said opening tourist attractions for tourists for a couple of days a week might be difficult to implement, as staff, in theory, would need 14 clear days to be sure they have not contracted Covid-19. Dr Asok Kurup, who chairs the Academy of Medicine's Chapter of Infectious Disease Physicians, said probably the best - but not necessarily the safest - way forward is to just allow"unrestricted" tourism from countries with minimal or very low levels of transmission, without the need for quarantine or tests on arrival.


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The point is that why only Asian countries.wht about Low risk European countries .and why only focus on inbound tourism’s... ppl need to see families and friends..also change 14 to 7 days SHN if results are negative.... life eventually needs to move on with safeguard in place

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