Overseas travel into Ireland increased by just under 60% in August | JOE.ie

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

362,600 people arrived in Ireland from overseas last month

Overseas travel out of Ireland increased by just under 20% in the same period.

362,600 passengers arrived in Ireland on overseas routes last month, while 328,200 passengers departed Ireland on overseas routes during the same period. 83.9% of people departing Ireland in August did so by air and 16.1% by sea, with Great Britain accounting for the highest number of passenger departures , followed by Poland and Italy .

In the period from January to August of this year, overseas arrivals and departures are down by 72.7% and 72.8% respectively on the figures for the same period last year.


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Will be even more next month with all the visitors from Liechtenstein

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 /  🏆 31. in HOLİDAY

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