100,000 tourism jobs at 'imminent risk' due to Covid-19, industry group warns

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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100,000 tourism jobs in Ireland at 'imminent risk' due to Covid-19, industry group warns

The Government has been called on to urgently intervene to safeguard 100,000 Irish tourism sector jobs at "imminent risk" due to Covid-19.

Some 363,600 people arrived in Ireland from overseas in August, this represented a 60% increase compared to the 227,300 people who travelled into the country in the previous month. "This illustrates the continuing and dramatic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on international travel to and from Ireland," he said.

Every day we'll send you a roundup e-mail of all the latest news. Local Irish news, UK and international news, local and national Sport and entertainment news , all in one handy e-mail. Prior to Covid-19, he said tourism supported 270,000 livelihoods, one in 10 of all Irish jobs but that an estimated 100,000 jobs of these have been lost so far this year and a further 100,000 are at immediate risk without substantial sector specific supports being put in place.


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