Toronto residents complain about lack of plowing hours after storm buries city

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Toronto residents complain about lack of plowing hours after storm buries city Toronto

, those who walk, take public transit, or even cycle are having much more trouble getting out the door today.

One blogTO reader, Dan, who lives in the Queen's Quay neighbourhood, said local sidewalks were poorly plowed, if at all, while street crossings remain a mucky mess. "The other side of the street has no parking during the winter, so why would the plow push snow against parked cars. If there are any empty parking spots, they are now piled with snow from plow," she said.


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Really - snow plowed against a car parked on a city street . Where do these clowns come from

C’mon Toronto, it’s winter! There’s thousands of miles of streets. I had ploughs directly outside my apartment at 3am and again at 7am. Quit complaining or get out there with a shovel!

You get what you vote for.

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