To boost happiness, treat your weekend like a vacation

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

Americans spend more hours at work than people in many other countries. If you’re having trouble making time for a break, recent research suggests that simply treating your weekends like a vacation can make you happier.

, from researchers at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, are based on a series of experiments. In one study of 441 workers, half were instructed to spend a spring weekend like they would any other. But the other participants were instructed, “Treat this weekend like a vacation.”When people returned to work Monday, those who spent the weekend like vacationers reported more happiness, less negativity and more satisfaction than those who approached the weekend like they always did.

One reason the vacation approach may have worked wonders: The vacation mind-set appears to be a more mindful mind-set. Vacationers reported being more attentive to the present moment. “Treating the weekend like a vacation activates a mind-set shift — nudging us out of our constant doing mode, where our activities are items we’re trying to get through to check off our to-do lists,” said Cassie Holmes, professor at UCLA’s Anderson School and a study co-author. “The vacation mind-set allows us to feel like we can actually take a break and enjoy the moment.

The study showed that getting into the vacation mind-set during the weekend is relatively easy. To replicate the research in your life, just use this six-word prompt at the start of the weekend: “Treat the weekend like a vacation.” It’s that simple. “I love this finding because it’s so easy to implement, yet can have such a dramatic effect,” said Holmes, author of the book, “The researchers had one important caveat. They “strongly cautioned” readers against using the technique as a substitute for actually taking a vacation. But the results, they said, offer “initial clues into how vacations improve emotional well-being and identify a way for people to make more of the time off they already have.


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It's called life. Be productive or go live in a hole. Everyone else shouldn't have to carry you.

O absurdo é precisar de um estudo para mostrar isso, behaviorismo é isso, deveriam adotar a psicanálise, é mais profunda e humana.

Forced to work too many hours? Pretend it's not a problem!

I have a better suggestion: treat your workdays like a vacation.

Working less and living more can actually make you happier, not pretending that weekends are like vacations. Capitalism at its “finest.”

That’s because we have to pay taxes to fund other countries!

I’m not american. Don’t call me american.

This scrap of birdcage liner brought to you by Jeff Bezos who wants all his workers back in the office

doing projects on the weekend is fun too!

fuck this timeline

Welcome to the US, treat your weekend like a holiday because you'll not see an actual holiday.

FFS who writes this stuff? A vacation on the weekends? Great for wealthy folks but not working people. Jesus Christ.

Work-vacation-work- you must be a man who never has to grocery shop, clean house, or take care of a family. Or a CEO. So out of touch.

That’s sad.

Jerk my stick

Ha ok

Remember to skip breakfast to help ease the burden of inflation!!!

Ahahahahhhh yeah. That’s not how vacations or weekends work when you are 9-5 but ok

When am I supposed to do all my chores and prepare for the next work week?

Yeah right!😂😂😂

Capitalism telling us to be happy that we at least 48 hours a week to enjoy life was not on my dystopian future guidebook yet here we are for all to see.

Tell that to Amazon workers.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

OMG. Treat your weekend like a vacation? Seriously, WTF? You what’s like a vacation? A ****ing vacation. We shouldn’t have to engage in life hacks to be happy. Work expectations are simply too often, too high, for too many people.

what are weekends?

WaPo completely ignores the fact that many people don’t work Monday to Friday 9-5. How disconnected.

You people need a research to teach you that? Tell you what, stay away from those toxic DNC social media operatives and your life will improve dramatically.

Some of us have fucking laundry

WAPO copies and pastes. Every week. Lube.

That’s why they don’t know what’s happening in the world

This is depressing

Americans and Indians in IT, work 4 hours per day 3 days a week 🤣.

is research gonna run my errands

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