Travel writers name the world's 15 best escapes for peace and quiet

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Travel writers name the world's 15 best escapes for peace and quiet.

hen “Tbilisi Loves You” is the airport’s Wi-Fi network, it’s fair to deduce that there is a warmth toward visitors. My time there was exactly that — a cornucopia of feasts, wines and passionate locals eager to share their culture. Every evening left me electrified.

I was suddenly enveloped in a greenery of calm. The pathway filled with rows of cypress trees is seemingly endless, and I felt my sense of being shift. My mind became quiet — in a good way — and all I felt was gratitude.he Wli Falls is the tallest waterfall in West Africa. I vividly remember stepping into it and looking up — and seeing a huge rainbow. I felt such a profound sense of peace.

On the river, I passed waving fishermen and Ghanaians dancing to Afrobeats by the palm trees. Ghana is a travel-friendly country that I always recommend to others as their first destination on the African continent. Ghana is a place where one can find warmth — in its weather and its people.tiu is one of the largest of the Cook Islands, yet it lacks shimmering lagoons and beach hotels. It has about 400 residents. And in January 2020, I was the only visitor.

When my water taxi docked on Kamalame Cay, and I saw the lush greenery and white sand beach, I exhaled — finally. The private island resort is near the world’s third-largest barrier reef with acres of coconut palm groves and stunning vegetation.


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