SUNY medical school 'indoctrinating' students to score 100% DEI compliance

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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EXCLUSIVE — The Downstate College of Medicine at the State University of New York cited providing travel stipends for faculty to attend 'minority faculty development' meetings as an example of the institution's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, internal documents show.

The New York medical school included the information in its responses to the Association of American Medical Colleges' Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, and Equity Inventory survey.

In response to a question that asked what institutional professional development programs were available for faculty of"underrepresented backgrounds," the Brooklyn-based medical school said,"The COM provides stipends for faculty to attend the AAMC annual meetings for minority faculty development."


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You say this like it's a bad thing.

‘….That theory demands adherence to the precept that past discrimination requires current discrimination to remedy the previous injustices…’. Balancing the sands of time as does the judicial system. Who’s way is this.

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 /  🏆 6. in HOLİDAY

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