Cost of living: Man uses £2 bus fare cap to travel 137 miles

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Andrew Cowell took the journey from Derby all the way to Whitby by bus!

the government's £2 cap on bus fares in EnglandAndrew Cowell set off from his home in Allestree at 06:40 GMT and arrived in Whitby at 16:40 on Thursday."I like scenery and I like the sea and Whitby is one of the most obvious places you could get to in a day from Allestree," he said.Mr Cowell, who works in railway operational planning, said he had caught the 06:40 bus from Allestree into Matlock, Derbyshire.

"It cost the princely sum of £10. You could have done it for £8 last year but one of the routes has disappeared so you have to take two buses now, not one.


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The headline is slightly misleading, but £10 fir Derby to Whitby is a bargain, don't blame him for doing it.

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