Airports and airlines gear up for busy holiday travel season

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Rebound in air travel demand last year as the pandemic subsided caused chaos at some Europe and North America airports


While smoother holiday travel is expected for Europe and North America, airlines and airports which learnt tough lessons on holiday travel in 2022, are taking a more prudent approach as global traffic rebounds roughly to pre-pandemic levels. "The GTAA has taken decisive measures designed to flatten peak-hour schedules for the March break and the upcoming summer season," said the authority which did not give further details.

Despite extensive planning and hiring this year, some airlines and airports are still wrestling with industry staff shortages, including baggage handlers. And some are also dealing with labour disputes, including expected strikes in the coming weeks for the UK border force and disruptions in France and Germany from strike action.

Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, a key hub for Air France-KLM, said on February 21 it would limit passenger numbers to 66,000 departing passengers per day during the May vacation season — a big increase from levels imposed last year amid chaos and long lines, but still 8% below 2019 levels. While airports have been staffing up to avoid the crippling labour shortages that curbed capacity last summer, governments are also being pressed to add more border agents.


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