Major boost as UK airport to scrap strict liquid rules this year

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

PASSENGERS travelling through a major UK airport will no longer have to take laptops and liquids out of their bag, it has been announced. Upcoming changes to security at the travel hub are expected…

Luton isn't the only airport moving quickly to get the CT scanners installed., said the he wants his airport to be at the forefront of the technology revolution.that in the future he wants to get rid of scanners and instead implement a much slicker system.carrying a bag behind you, and being scanned as you walk through" instead of having to put their bags through separate scanners.have been very popular with those passing through his airport, Sinclair insists.

He continued: "Passengers love it. It's the convenience, being able to leave everything, but it's also the speed as well that you can actually get through.and Gatwick are also starting to bring the scanners in as airports look to make security more efficient for Terminal 3 which will have more CT scanners and have a deadline of mid-2024 from the DFT.


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