Eight hippos on the loose from a Free State private game reserve | City Press

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Eight hippos on the loose from a Free State private game reserve

People in the Free State are advised to be vigilant after eight hippopotamuses went missing after they were flooded out from the boma at the Bellevue private nature reserve in the Fezile Dabi District Municipality.

The Free State department of economic, small business development, tourism and environmental affairs said this happened after the floods that were experienced on Wednesday at Vierfontein near the Vaal River.Provincial department spokesperson Mojalefa Mphapang said members of the public were urged to be vigilant.During the recent floods, the camps were flooded and destroyed and that was when the hippos went missing.

Mphapang added it was unfortunate that the river levels were continuing to rise, and this made the search operation difficult. “The department will continue to monitor the situation and work closely with other stakeholders, including the farm owner, in trying to locate and recapture the animals.” Anyone who has spotted the animals should contact Leepile Gaorekoe at 0799510200 at Dave Hayter on 0795078820.In times of uncertainty you need journalism you can trust. For 14 free days, you can have access to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, top opinions and a range of features. Journalism strengthens democracy. Invest in the future today. Thereafter you will be billed R75 per month. You can cancel anytime and if you cancel within 14 days you won't be billed.


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What the hack is going on with these wild animals?

City_Press Oh nah, they’ll definitely be fine. We used to have those randomly roam around in our neighbourhood years back, and we turned out fine.

City_Press Nah someone messed up with the jumanji game!

City_Press Its wild in africa

Its tigers, lions and now hippos. South Africa is animal farm.

Why is this private?

It’s clear now, they are trying to kill us.

City_Press Fat-shaming like this must come to an end

From tigers to leopards and lions..? Just set them all free straight

Senenza ngamabomu-ke manje

I'm convinced we're living through a Jumanji movie rn😭😭😭

Never a dull moment in SA

After venamous snakes hippo is number 2 on my most dangerous animals

Dihoja tsa ga Rapulana di boela gae.

Just please don’t shoot them like them shooting lions and tigers!

Nah, these animals knows something we don't...

So firstly 2 tigers a lion and now hippos... what is next

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