Campaigners urge council to commit to keeping Shrewsbury bus station

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Shropshire Council is being urged to end uncertainty over the future of bus travel into the centre of Shrewsbury by committing to the retention of the town's bus station.

The future of Shrewsbury's town centre bus station remains uncertain

One option being touted, which would see the station replaced with a series of bus stops near the railway station, has been criticised by campaign group Bus Users Shropshire which said it would put people off from using bus services – “the exact opposite of what we need to do”. “A well designed and conveniently located transport hub is a pre-requisite for an effective bus network, serving the needs of both passengers and drivers.


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They’ve cut so May buses over the years you can hardly move about the county without travelling via Shrewsbury. Now they want to make that harder.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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