Tougher background checks for Arizona massage therapists delayed

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Eight weeks into the new year, fingerprint clearance cards for massage therapists are still not being issued through the Arizona Department of Public Safety. abc15

PHOENIX — Tougher criminal background checks for massage therapists were supposed to start on January 1 under a new state law, but eight weeks into the new year, fingerprint clearance cards for massage therapists are still not being issued through the Arizona Department of Public Safety.The delay means additional safety protections for clients are not yet in place and new massage therapists can’t get licensed to work.

“Arizona state law historically has required a state licensee to report an arrest within 10 days to the State Board. This law is frequently ignored,” the board said. “None of us are happy about the hiccups this is creating for some people,” Massage Board member Michael Tapscott said at a meeting late last year when the board learned that there likely would be a delay in granting the fingerprint clearance cards.So far, about 145 licenses are on hold, according to the Massage Board, but that number is only expected to grow the longer it takes for the federal government to approve the cards.

“We’re just feeling kind of stuck,” said Sara Zejda, who helps graduates of the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe with their license applications.


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