Shorten goes on the offensive on wages | Sky News Australia

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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.PerrettReport on billshortenmp and minimum wage increases: Productivity is not as big an issue as it used to be. When wages don't go up but the economy is growing, that means your productivity is better. Productivity is actually growing. MORE: PMLive

Bill Shorten says an incoming Labor government would argue forcefully to the Fair Work Commission in favour of an increase to the minimum wage.

The Opposition Leader says, if elected, he would personally write to the independent umpire to call better pay for workers on the award. Mr Shorten made the comments while touring Cairns, where he announced $95 million regional tourism plan. Image: News Corp Australia


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ClrLindaScott billshortenmp Labor’s independent umpire “ the fair work commission “ set up by labor cut penalty rates . How many times will these lefties get away with saying it was the govt . Either you believe in an umpire or you don’t ? Let’s see how afl goes with out an umpire ! Mmm

ClrLindaScott billshortenmp Shorten can’t control wages unless he does something about immigration, wage growth is a world wide problem due to the influx cheap labour.

ClrLindaScott billshortenmp Not disputing your point but an election should be way more than a referendum on wage growth. If that’s all you can identify then your saying the other mob is doing a good job.

ClrLindaScott billshortenmp

ClrLindaScott billshortenmp What a ridiculous thing to say that it’s coalition policy....really clutching now

ClrLindaScott billshortenmp Mathias Cormann's own words - Wage suppression is a key principle of a Liberal Government

ClrLindaScott billshortenmp Australia has one of the highest paying casual rates in the world. The problem isn't 'wages growth', but dodgy employers not paying their exploited employees the correct wage, mostly cash-in-hand payments.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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