Sri Lanka suspects international terror link to Easter Sunday atrocities

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

Sri Lanka says an international terror network is suspected in attacks that killed 290 people. An official says there were multiple warnings.

A government spokesman, Rajitha Senaratne, said multiple warnings were received in the days before the attacks, which killed 290 people and injured at least 500 more. CNN understands that at least one warning referred to Nations Thawahid Jaman , a little-known local Islamist group which has previously defaced Buddhist statues.Senaratne, who is also health minister, said he did not believe a local group could have acted alone.

The bombs blew out the tiled roofs of churches, killing worshipers. Images showed bloodied pews, broken glass and plumes of smoke."You can see pieces of flesh thrown all over the walls and on the sanctuary and even outside of the church," Tillekeratne said. More blasts ripped through three luxury hotels in Colombo: The Shangri-La, Cinnamon Grand and Kingsbury, all popular with foreign tourists and the country's business community.


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Ooh you left some facts out FakeNewsCNN allow me to correct you attacks that killed 290 Christians .....there you go seem incapable of using the word Christian a sign of christianphobia

Gee, no kidding

Islamic killers

Don’t you mean radical Muslim terrorist group murder hundreds of Christians at Church on Easter Sunday

“EASTER WORSHIPPERS”: OBAMA & HILLARY REFUSE TO USE THE WORD “CHRISTIAN” AFTER SRI LANKA ATTACKS Yet they directly referred to “Muslims” following Christchurch mosque attack

Islamic terrorists slaughtered Christians . Nothing new though happens daily. Not a mention of the fact it happens everyday in Nigeria

My condolences to entire people of Sri Lanka and those who lost their love one

International terror network killed Easter worshippers ... cnnisterroristmedia cnnmustbestopped CNNisFakeNews


Datemi garanzie dateci “ per favore ?”” Dio benedica l’America!!!” Casa dolce casa !!!”Love America ❤️

Clearly CNN is run by a syndicate of leftist atheists pushing a self-serving PC agenda. Therefore cannot say it was Islamist terrorists who attacked Christian worshipers on Easter. The people see through your facade! ✝️ 🙏 May the departed RIP

Relegion of piss !!!

Heartfelt saddened to hear of so many Sri Lankan dreadful losses. Our prayers are with the families.

Will CNN use the word 'Christians' or like BarackObama and HillaryClinton just talk about Easter worshipers killed by Muslim extremists?


Islamic terror groups. Come on lets say it.

Now where are the Muslim activists?

Oh thank god. I thought t was Islamic terrorists

Lets give them warping the space time continuum technology, warp non inertia time and space drive, invisibility cloaks, artificial black holes if were stupid enough to let them have artifacts of military implications and are not stealthy species survivalists.

The ISLAMIC adjective is missing in that tweet of yours...

In its 2018 report on Sri Lanka’s human rights, the US State Department noted that some Christian groups and churches reported they had been pressured to end worship. Buddhist monks regularly tried to close down Christian and Muslim places of worship.

Tighten up our borders and stay vigilant. This is insane.

An international ISLAMIC terror network. Somehow you forgot that part. Disgusting hypocrites!

It's a Jihadi group full of radical Islamists. Just say it.

libertadvzla100 'International terror network' my word CNN .


Hey why can’t you call this attack for what it is? ISLAMIC TERRORISM!!!!! Stop trying to protect these lowlifes. You are so quick to say white nationalism how about some fairness!!! ISLAMIC TERRORISM IS A CANCER

So sad!

Can’t we just say what happened. Islamic terrorists killed Christians on Easter

When are countries going to start listening to the warnings?

Time to fight back. Time to dismantle these Islamic terror cells.

So sorry for the loss of so many beautiful innocent lives and all others injured 🤕as well as all those tourists who were enjoying the beauty of the island. It is very sad that you could not be protected and I am very sorry 😐 about it. My heart 💓 goes out to all families. RIP🙏

Headline should read 'Sri Lanka says an international Islamist terror network killed 290 people who were predominantly Christian's.


Very sad to hear about the tragic and senseless loss of life with these terrorist attacks. Once again, the lesson here is to be vigilant and proactive. A reactive posture almost always results in a loss of life.

Funded by Deep State criminals.

Those whacky Christians again

“Says an Islamic terror network is suspected in an attack that killed 290 Christians” - fixed the headline for you

Who is this humanity killer?

what kind of terror network...?

There were multiple warnibg before 911 as well...god bless

Oh please stop... Call it was it was.. An Islamic terror attack on pray Christians. Why do you have no balls as a network?

Islamic terrorism

And three Danish

It's unfortunate.


Read the details, India already gave warning to Sri Lanka. But they didn't pay heed. And yes, it was an islamic terrorist attack


Sorry for this innocent 😍 👌🏿

ISIS hand suspected.

Revenge for New Zealand mosque attack probable motive.

Why are warnings repeatedly not prepared for? It’s like they want this to happen to sow discord between communities & give media propaganda material. By they I mean whoever is responsible for turning a blind eye; directly/implicitly financing/supporting these barbaric attacks.

Sri Lanka names local group behind terror attacks , suspects international network.

SOME BODY DID SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like an Al Qaeda style,Islam must be transformed

What did Sri Lanka do with the multiple warnings?

Anyone will common sense knew this despite the ‘fake’ narrative it initially pushed out. The story has not ended yet. 1. How did the Americans get this intelligence? 2. Who are the state actors involved? 3. What are the financial links back to the sponsors?

Sponsored by the Russian mafia.

Theres an attack on Christians, admit it. You look like fools, ya cant even SAY Christians.

cant say it huh CNNPolitics it was a MUSLIM terror group!

290 Christians.

Sounds like the Sri Lankan security forces were asleep?

SriLankaTerrorAttack Second Day. A bomb just blew up.

International is the new word.

I invite people from the world to accept the most peacefull and tolerant religan of world ‘isalm’. You must have seen & feel the peace of our religan in srilanka yesterday.

Those 'people' were Christians, .

National Thowfeek Jamaath is an Islamic Terrorist group that targeted Christians while worshiping on Easter Sunday. cnn won't include that so someone has to.

Why does hate Christians?

Looks like some people did something again

International? So, should other countries be scared? Did a specific group take responsibility? This is crazy.


Tears and prayers .

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