Spain warning as extreme 44C heatwave to hit popular holiday destinations

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Holidays News

European Union,Environment,Weather

The country been warned to brace for scorching temperatures, with British holidaymakers also advised to stay indoors.

Spain is bracing for a drastic change in weather as meteorological maps and charts turn black with an extreme heatwave set to hit.

"A large anticyclone at medium and high levels, currently located in the interior of Algeria, will intensify and extend over the next few days towards the west inducing, from tomorrow , a southerly flow, which will introduce a very warm, dry and stable air mass over the Spanish mainland and the Balearic Islands," the national agency cautioned.

The agency further explained that temperatures will remain quite high, "mainly in the eastern third of the country where the west wind will cause a further increase, with highs that may again reach 42-44 degrees in the valleys of the Ebro, Jucar and Segura".


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