5 Amazing Hiking Destinations Near Chicago

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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If you're in the Chicago area and enjoy hiking, here are five destinations you should consider visiting.

While Chicago isn't normally considered to be a destination for avid hikers, there are some sleeper destinations to visit around the area.

Most tourists will be visiting the Windy City to experience what the downtown areas have to offer. With plenty of tourist locations, museums, and much more, Chicago is a very popular destination. However, if you want an escape from the city atmosphere, there are some places to target to get out into nature. There are actually quite a few great places to hike within an easy driving distance from the city.

All of that being said, let's dive in and take a look at five amazing hiking destinations near Chicago.Located about 15 minutes outside of downtown Chicago, this is a place to go and enjoy stunning views. Visitors will get plenty of visuals of the Chicago River along the 20-mile trail. There will be a lot of wildlife to observe throughout the wooded area of the trail as well.A bit longer of a drive, Illinois Beach State Park is about an hour away from downtown Chicago.


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