San Diego jobless rate rises as teachers go on break, but tourism hiring continues

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

San Diego County’s unemployment rate was 4.5 percent in June

San Diego County’s jobless rate rose at the start of summer as teachers went on break., state labor officials said Friday. It was higher than the national rate of 4.3 percent but lower than California at 5.3 percent.

When adjusted for seasonal swings, the unemployment rate was closer to 4.2 percent, said Beacon Economics. That compares to seasonally adjusted rates of 4.1 percent in May and 4.4 percent in April. San Diego’s June rate of 4.2 percent was higher than the seasonal national average of The biggest San Diego County losses from May to June were in government, which is mainly education, at 1,200. It was followed by private education and health services, which includes jobs at private schools, down by 1,100 positions.

Blair said seniors who retired during COVID-19 is one of his biggest groups looking for work. He said some have found they didn’t have as much money to retire as they thought or are simply bored. The other group, he said, are families who decided to try a one-income household during the pandemic but now need more money.“Fast food doesn’t have a very good reputation,” Blair said. “Sometimes schedules are four hours in the morning, four hours at night.

On an annual basis, San Diego County has added 8,900 jobs, with the most in private education and health services at 12,000.


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