Michelin Guide expands to Texas, spotlighting local cuisine

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Texas News

Michelin Guide,Restaurants,San Antonio

SAN ANTONIO - Good news, Texas foodies. The Michelin Guide is coming to the Lone Star State, including San Antonio, according to the guide and Texas Travel.Texa

Good news, Texas foodies. The Michelin Guide is coming to the Lone Star State, including San Antonio, according to the guide and Texas Travel. SAN ANTONIO - Good news, Texas foodies. The Michelin Guide is coming to the Lone Star State, including San Antonio, according to the guide and Texas Travel.

“The Texas culinary scene has proven to be an exhilarating one, with multicultural influences, homegrown ingredients, and talent that is rich in ambition,” said Gwendal Poullennec, International Director of the Michelin Guide. The employees aren’t taken lightly; they are expected to have 10 or more years of experience in the restaurant or hotel industry, proper objectivity of the environment and food the restaurant has to offer, and extensive knowledge of the process.

The inspectors then rate the food based on a three-star rating scale, unlike the typical five-star ratings. One star means the restaurant is good enough to stop a try it out, two stars mean it’s worth detouring your plans to visit and three stars mean you need to make a special trip to visit the establishment. The stars rate the quality of the cooking.


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