Alberta Premier Danielle Smith defends accepting tickets to Oilers’ playoff games

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Canadian News News

Canada News,Breaking News Video,Canadian Breaking News

NDP Leader Naheed Nenshi has accused the government of ‘cronyism’ and demanded the governing party reveal which MLAs and staff attended games, who hosted them, and who paid for related travel

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, front second left, and B.C. Premier David Eby, front second right, watch the Vancouver Canucks and Edmonton Oilers play Game 2 in the Stanley Cup second-round playoff series, in Vancouver, on May 10.Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says she and her colleagues were in compliance with provincial ethics rules when they accepted tickets to hockey games during this year’s

Sam Blackett, the Premier’s spokesman, confirmed on Friday that she also attended two games in Edmonton as the guest of two separate organizations. He declined to name the hosts. “The revelations about multiple ministers, staff members, and the Premier herself attending playoff hockey games on lobbyists’ dimes should come as no surprise to Albertans given the level of cronyism shown by this government,” he said in a statement on social-media platform X.

“Having ministers and staff sit in lobbyists’ luxury boxes while we are facing an affordability crisis in this province not only looks bad, it shows they’re living in a different world than the average Albertan.” “They made those ethics guidelines even weaker than they were on purpose,” Prof. Church said in an interview.


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