5 travel packing hacks, according to a travel expert

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Travel News


AirTags, packing cubes and tricks for when you're suitcase is filled to the brim – Megan Virgo shares her top hacks for stress-free travel.

AirTags, packing cubes and tricks for when your suitcase is absolutely filled to the brim – travel expert Megan Virgo shares her top hacks for stress-free travel.No matter the length of your trip, using packing cubes is always a good idea. Not only do they save space, but they help you become more organised and efficient.

If you want to save space, invest in compression packing cubes – these are super if you’re restricted to a small carry-on bag. Regular packing cubes are invaluable in helping you become more organised and efficient by dividing your clothing into colour-coded cubes, so you know where everything is.Use a travel pillow instead if you’re desperately stuck for space and have no room left in your suitcase.


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