Four types of health conditions could invalidate travel insurance

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Health News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

Filling out the form properly could save you tens of thousands of pounds, say the insurance experts

Travel insurance complaints are at their highest since the pandemic, according to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The dispute resolution service recorded more than 4,400 complaints in 2023/2024 – and disgruntled holidaymakers shared their concerns about delayed flights, missing luggage and the levels of emergency assistance after falling ill abroad.

“The main two areas you need cover for is for cancellation and medical emergencies,” explains McCulloch. “The cost of a medical emergency abroad and repatriation to the UK can be substantial, so travel insurance is there to offer travellers peace of mind and protection against financial loss for unforeseen situations.”

“Medical repatriation alone, just from Europe, can cost between £30,000 and £60,000, so the financial risk of travelling without the right insurance can be high.”“It’s important to declare all pre-existing medical conditions to your insurer to get a tailored policy specifically for your needs,” says McCulloch.


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