Jasper evacuees arrive in Calgary, relieved but unsure about resort town's future

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Dozens of evacuees from Jasper have arrived and registered in Calgary, city officials said on Wednesday. Some are continuing on to Edmonton while others are being placed in hotels.

After a long, winding journey out of Jasper and through a series of small B.C. communities, dozens of evacuees arrived in Calgary on Wednesday, relieved to be away from the wildfire danger but unsure about the mountain community’s future.Dozens of evacuees from Jasper have arrived and registered in Calgary, city officials said Wednesday. Some are continuing on to Edmonton while others are being placed in hotels. After a long, winding journey out of Jasper and through a series of small B.C.

Strozen said he feels "horrible" for people who were stuck in the massive, early morning exit out of Jasper. Other evacuees like Maryn Longley, a Jasper resident, described her experience as a "wild ride" that began with seeing a red sky and "ash falling from the sky as I was walking home from work." As Longley spoke to CBC News, she was waiting to be picked up by her dad and sister, who would take her to Edmonton.

"We are able to help people find shelter and additional supports they may need as the firefight continues," the statement read. "Currently, there have been no further requests for support."As of Wednesday, the two wildfires burning north and south of Jasper have moved within five kilometres and eight kilometres of the townsite.Longley said she's "not entirely sure what the future holds," adding that the situation is "kind of in God's hands.

As for Jasper's future, Waxer said he's "hopeful but a little bit nervous because you just can't imagine rebuilding a town like Jasper."


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