Laura Dern says her mom, actress Diane Ladd, gave her a travel case of condoms when she was 16

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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'You must be protected': Laura Dern is getting candid about a time she received a Samsonite case full of contraceptives from her mother, fellow actress Diane Ladd, when she was 16.

Lauren Huff is a writer at Entertainment Weekly with over a decade of experience covering all facets of the entertainment industry. After graduating with honors from the University of Texas at Austin , Lauren wrote about film, television, awards season, music, and more for the likes of The Hollywood Reporter, Deadline Hollywood, Us Weekly, Awards Circuit, and others before landing at EW in May 2019.

"And I open it up and it's full of contraception. Like, rubbers, every rubber, every you know, anything you can imagine for protection. I was like, mom, I'm not having sex yet. Like, what are you talking about?" she said, laughing.actress said she recalled her mom explaining to her, "'Well, you never know. You gotta be protected. You must be protected.

"And she goes, 'You're not gonna do it.' And I said, 'Well, I'm not saying we've done anything yet. I'm just telling you I like him. But what are you talking about? You sent me with a suitcase full of birth control!'" Dern recounted, before sharing her mother's hilarious reaction.


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