Holiday: Nigeria missing in Africa’s kid-friendly destinations ranking

  • 📰 GuardianNigeria
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Africa News

Holiday,Kid-Friendly Destinations

School sessions are ending, and as the holiday period approaches, it is paramount for families to choose destinations that are


Findings from the recent report by the travel advisory firm reveal that the continent has a lot to offer. From vast national parks where kids get to see exotic wildlife for the first time to pristine beaches that are unlike any other in the world, Africa has some of the most incredible environments and activities for families to explore with children.

The recent flood that occurred, which made the roads almost unusable, had residents crying to the government for help. “As a Nigerian, I can understand a little about the plight of the roads, but if I were a foreign tourist, I would not come back again.” Ibeh chipped in. Security and Defence Quarterly defined security as a crucial metric for safe tourism and could not be taken for granted.

On the flip side, Nigeria’s food situation is the worst in Africa, with its inflationary rate at 40.7 per cent midway through 2024. The academy stated that “logging a lot of miles in the car may have your kids asking for snacks to ease the boredom.” Its analysis revealed that great restaurants and food service in countries are necessary for kids to have an enjoyable time while on vacation.


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