Japan’s overtourism stresses

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Angst is rising in Japan over what locals are calling an “over-tourism crisis” – and some towns are taking action.

| Japan’s townships are fighting back against what they say is an “over-tourism crisis”, as Australian and other overseas visitors flock to the country, driving up prices and infuriating locals with their sometimes bad behaviour.

Visitors stepping onto the greens for a photo are met with a tinny voice in English, Chinese and Korean that erupts from speakers fixed to lamp posts. The alarm warns intruders against entering “private property” and instructs them to return to the main road. In response, Kyoto’s Geisha streets have been blocked off to the public. Illicit photographers face fines of up to 10,000 yen . But the real discomfort for many Japanese is being felt in the hip pocket.

Some localities are introducing “double prices”; a two-tiered system in which foreign travellers are charged higher prices than locals.


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