Dublin Transport Plan gets green light: What's changing and when

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Aston Quay,Bachelors Walk,Blue Card Holders

Cars will be no longer be allowed to travel along Bachelors Walk, Burgh Quay and Aston Quay from August 25th under the new transport plan

Dublin businesses have expressed disappointment at the decision to roll out the city's new transport plan on schedule.despite opposition from a number of firmsFrom August 25th private cars will be no longer be allowed to travel along the Quays at Bachelors Walk, Burgh Quay and Aston Quay during the day.All other routes in the city remain the same and north-south, south-north access to all Liffey bridges will be unchanged.

"It's a shame that retailers concerns weren't considered, especially when you see that retail is the backbone of the economic landscape in Dublin city," she said."While we acknowledge DCC made amendments to the original plan, based on meeting the disability groups, it's a shame that we're having this conversation today".

"It was to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan and that all concerns from stakeholders were considered.Monitoring A working group, chaired by the Lord Mayor of Dublin James Geoghegan, will now be put together to monitor the impact of changes included in the transport plan. The group will include business organisations, the National Transport Authority , elected members and other interested parties such as members of the disability community.Main image: Cyclists with heavy traffic heading down the North Quays at Batchelor's Walk in Dublin, 4-7-24. Image: Photo: Leah Farrell/ © RollingNews.ie


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