Vandals target Paris Olympics with arson attacks on high-speed rail routes

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Vandals have carried out arson attacks on France's high-speed train network causing major travel disruption ahead of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony.

Vandals have carried out arson attacks on France's high-speed train network causing major travel disruption ahead of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony. The state-owned railway operator SNCF said fires had been set at installations along the lines connecting Paris with the country's west, north and east and that services would be severely impacted during the weekend.

' Sports minister Amelie Oudea-Castera condemned the vandalism, which she referred to as 'a sort of coordinated sabotage'. She said: 'It's completely appalling. 'To target the games is to target France.' She added: 'It will disrupt this day and probably this weekend as well.' This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.


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