Ireland named in Top 10 safest European travel destinations |

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A country's safety index was compiled through analysing nine metrics that contribute towards how safe an area may be such as homicides, assaults, road fatalities, natural disaster risk, and global peace index.

Each European country was given a score out of 10 for each factor, which was then totalled to provide a score on the safety index. The lower the score, the safer the country is.Coming out on top of the pile was Switzerland, with the picturesque, alpine nation securing the lowest safety index score of just 45.


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Per land mass is different from per capita. Although once a safe place unless directly involved in crime or under domestic alcoholic abuse Ireland since 2000 safety standards have dropped drastically in hand with mass unregulated immigration numbers and will continue to do so

Well you’ll get absolutely mugged trying to pay for a place to stay or hire a car - but other than that I’d say you’re safe enough 😂

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 /  🏆 31. in HOLİDAY

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Ireland named in Top 10 safest European travel destinations | JOE.ieIreland ranked just below Finland and just above The Netherlands
Source: JOEdotie - 🏆 31. / 51 Read more »