NYC hospitals spending more than $90M to house migrants in Midtown hotels

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

NYC hospitals spending more than $90M on Midtown hotels for migrants

The city’s public hospital system is planning to spend $93.8 million to house migrants in New York City hotels this spring.Huron Consulting Services, which was involved in H+H’s COVID-19 testing operation, is being paid $18.5 million to help open the HERRCs.As of Wednesday, at least 47,600 migrants have flooded into the city since the spring of last year, with almost 30,000 living in 95 taxpayer-funded shelters including the HERRCs, according to official estimates.

Adams has refused to detail his spending on the migrant crisis, which the city Office of Management and Budget recently estimated will


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The shelters are being taken down as the migrants demand living conditions better than that of most New Yorkers. It does not bode well for their case of sanctuary.

Thank you Gov. Greg Abbot!

so deport them? What is the issue here? oh, and ONE more time, stop saying Migrants .. what is this paper doing!? Illegal aliens illegal border jumpers I'll even accept unauthorized aliens

Money for immigrants bur not the homeless? Same with sending money to Ukraine. All 💩

at least the indians fought back

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