Manila woos the Malaysians

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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KUALA LUMPUR: In a bid to foster rapport between the tourism industries of Malaysia and the Philippines, the archipelagic country will be featured heavily in the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) fair next month.

Returning as a gold sponsor for the MATTA fair, the Tourism Promotions Board Philippines in Malaysia aims to woo over 200,000 Malaysians to visit.Visitors will not only be able to get good travel deals to the Philippines, but also take part in activities to stand a chance of winning prizes or travel packages to the Philippines, said TPBP marketing director Datuk Melissa Ong.

“Those looking for a more nature-centric experience can visit the popular beach and dive destinations across the country such as those in Boracay, Davao, Palawan and many others. Noting the importance of Malaysia as among the top 10 markets for the Philippines, MATTA fair organising chairman Rocky Kho said the collaboration would help to accelerate the rejuvenation of both country’s travel industries.


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