Canada eases travel permits for Iranians avoiding regime

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

It will be easier for Iranians to extend their stay rather than go home to a regime with no respect for human rights.

The federal government is easing the process for Iranians visiting Canada to extend their stay rather than return to a regime with no respect for human rights.

As of March 1, Immigration and Citizenship Canada will be waiving certain fees and simplifying the application process for those who wish to stay longer and allowing easier access to work permits so they can support themselves while they are here. In addition to prioritizing those applications, the government will also be making it easier to get passport and travel documents for Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents in Iran, who wish to leave and come back to Canada.

Sid Mirhashemy, past president of the North Shore Multicultural Society and founder of ICanDo Education, said the announcement represents a great step – if Immigration and Citizenship Canada bureaucrats follow through. Nassreen Filsoof, president of the North Shore-based Canadian Iranian Federation, said she was glad to see the measures announced, particularly for students who will mostly likely want to stay longer.

At the announcement, Wilkinson said the country has already permanently banned about 10,000 members of Iran’s government from coming to the country, and added that the RCMP has been staffing up a unit dedicated to enforcement of government sanctions.


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