Pregnant Texans Now Travel 10 Times Farther for an Abortion

  • 📰 TexasObserver
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'Texas legislator Donna Howard plans to collaborate with allies in and out of state in the fight to improve access to reproductive healthcare.' peachhutchinson reports the lengths that women will travel for an abortion in the wake of Roe v. Wade:

Two years ago, if a Texan needed an abortion, they’d have to travel an average of 44 miles to get one. Today, that number is 497. Even before the fall of Roe last summer, Texas had one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. During the 87th legislative session, Texas Republicans passed Senate Bill 8, which prohibited abortions after the first six weeks of pregnancy. The overturn of Roe v.

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Now it makes sense. The Big Oil lobby in Texas wants women to waste more gasoline!

Adoption is a better option for an unwanted child.

Amazing progress! !!!

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