No Place Like Rome: Unlock the City’s Old-World Romance at These Historic Hotels

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

Rome is a living history lesson—so why not chart its storied past via its most storied hotels? A tour of the illustrious Eternal City’s places to stay (and their nearby landmarks), from ancient to modern times

/ Photographs by Francesco Lastrucci for The Wall Street Journaland Its Discontents,” Sigmund Freud used Rome as a metaphor for memory: specifically, the way the many layers of the past exist simultaneously and come to the fore when viewed from different angles. Among the most illuminating ways travelers can explore the Eternal City’s kaleidoscopic history is through its illustrious hotels. Each palatial structure is part of the modern city’s fabric but also embodies a specific moment in time.

And thanks to the welcoming Roman manner, even non-guests can stop in for a coffee or aperitif while taking in the old-world ambience. A brief sojourn to these grand getaways provides a peek into Rome’s history and allows visitors to sample cultural riches along the way.has a storied past.


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No place like today Roma .You are right ! But best for you to travel light and not to speak english aloud

This journal is owned by murdoch ... evil

Maybe if I skip breakfast enough times I could afford a trip to Rome.

I'd like to visit Rome. That's a halfway interesting destination.


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