New theory posits tachyon particles might be able to travel back in time

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

A new theory suggest that tachyon particles could have time travel components, completely changing how we think of these mythical particles.

The idea of the tachyon particle first gained traction in the early 1900s, when Albert Einstein theorized that a particle that could travel faster than the speed of light could exist. The term wasn’t coined until 1967 when physicist Gerald Feinberg named it so. While we don’t know these particles exist, new reports believe tachyon particles could have time travel components.. To break things down, the speed of light is the fastest speed that we know. Nothing that we know of is faster than light.

But how exactly does that translate to tachyon particles having time travel components? Well, in theory, at least, tachyon particles travel faster than light speed. As such, these particles have to achieve a constant speed somehow. Otherwise, they would eventually fall below the speed of light. That’s where the time travel component comes into play.If tachyon particles can travel faster than the speed of light, they could also hypothetically send messages that exceed the constraints of time.

Doing that might be difficult, especially since we need to figure out how tachyon particles travel faster than the speed of light first. Additionally, we also have to figure out whether or not you could travel back in time. Scientists think , but proving such a thing will take years of research and exploration.

And suppose we somehow figured out how to time travel. In that case, we’d still need to determine whether


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