These high school sweethearts have visited 112 countries. Here's how they pay for it on a budget

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

Hudson and Emily Crider are on a mission to travel to all 195 countries. Here's what it costs and how they spend wisely around the world.

Food is one of the categories of travel that "people plan the least for," yet it's the cost that is "easiest to add up," the couple told CNBC. In Bali, Indonesia, they kept those costs low by eating street food like nasi goreng, spending as little as $1 per meal.

Homestays are a great way to connect with local people, said Emily. "When you're quickly going to a place and taking pictures of tourist sites, you don't always get the full picture."South America was the third cheapest for activities, at an average of $15.00 per experience, the couple told CNBC. Many activities were free, they added.

"It was more of an adventure than we signed up for, but it was a good way to save money," said Emily.Transportation typically means metros, buses or tuk-tuks instead of taxis and Uber, the couple said.But renting a car can also be worth it. They spent the most on activities in Australia, with an average of $42.50 per experience. Transportation, however, was the second-least costly, at an average of $3 per ride.


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