For the love of coffee | Ma. Stella F. Arnaldo

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

I appreciate a good cup of coffee. OK, it’s more of a mug. Know more:

In my pre-pandemic travels, I made it a point to buy coffee beans from whichever country I was visiting at that moment. Even in my visits to local tourist destinations, I would sip the local brew and buy the beans if there were any produced in that province. Since the pandemic, I’ve largely stuck to buying local specialty beans to encourage our coffee farmers to keep planting and harvesting this precious commodity.

While I have used Nespresso machines, largely in hotels and resorts, I have never purchased one, simply because I believed the discarded pods are mucking up the environment. But Patrick Pesengco, managing director of Novateur Coffee Concepts Inc., assures me they have addressed this concern of many environmentalists. Novateur is the exclusive distributor of Nespresso machines and coffee pods in the Philippines.

I was able to sit down for a quick chat with Patrick as he launched the Vertuo, a machine which uses Nespresso’s revolutionary “centrifusion” technology. This involves the infusion of water into the coffee grounds packed in a capsule while it is being spun around, supposedly to extract the best flavor possible for each cup.

I asked him if it was possible to supply Philippine coffee to Nespresso for its capsules. He laments that they wanted to, but when he reached out to a friend whose family used to be one of the biggest coffee exporters in the country, Patrick says he was told, “‘Do you know the Barako that we’re selling here in the Philippines? We are already importing the majority from Vietnam, Thailand, or Indonesia.

So Patrick has high hopes that their sales will continue to be strong this year, with the company undertaking several projects to further sell Nespresso machines and pods. “Aside from providing good quality coffee to Filipinos at home, it’s also supporting the local industry, maybe not through the coffee beans right now, but through the restaurateurs and a lot of other events, artists. So we want to keep doing that more.


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 /  🏆 19. in HOLİDAY

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