Richard Gutierrez shares workout routine while on snowy vacation in Japan - Latest Chika

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

Holiday Holiday Latest News,Holiday Holiday Headlines

Richard Gutierrez proves that discipline is the key to being fit! The actor recently shared a video while conducting his morning workout inside a hotel room in Niseko, Japan. “Morning routine done- no equipment no problem!” he wrote in the caption. “Time to hit the slopes ⛷️100 push ups to knee tucks ✅100 leg raises […]

The actor recently shared a video while conducting his morning workout inside a hotel room in Niseko, Japan.“Time to hit the slopes ⛷️100 jackknife ✅” he added sharing his workout routine.Netizens and fellow actors praised Richard for his dedication and discipline to continue working out even when traveling abroad.“That’s my husband😍😍😍🔥 🔥 “ Sarah Lahbati commented on his husband’s Instagram post.

Richard along with his wife, Sarah and two kids, Zion and Kai, are currently enjoying their cold vacation in Japan.


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 /  🏆 7. in HOLİDAY

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