Airports, airlines rein in summer plans to avoid repeat of last year's chaos

  • 📰 Reuters
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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Airports are taking steps to avoid gridlock during the upcoming holiday travel seasons, with some limiting flights during peak hours to avoid the long lines and luggage piles that marred last summer.

The Greater Toronto Airports Authority also said in an emailed statement it will cap the number of passengers that can arrive internationally, or depart to the United States through each terminal in a given hour.

Despite extensive planning and hiring this year, some airlines and airports are still wrestling with industry staff shortages, including baggage handlers. And some are also dealing with labour disputes, including expected strikes in the coming weeks for the UK border force and disruptions in France and Germany from strike action.

In Britain, Heathrow airport confirmed ad hoc flights would not be added to peak scheduling times during the summer. Air traffic control manager NAV Canada said it currently employs about 1,900 air traffic controllers across Canada, but did not provide earlier data. An industry source said there were around 1,700 controllers in Canada in late 2021 compared with about 2,000 before the pandemic.


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