Woman on trial for not wearing mask again claims video evidence from prosecution was tampered with

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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A Singapore Tourism Board (STB) investigating officer testified that Phoon had filed a police report against him, claiming that he had impersonated an STB officer.

SINGAPORE: Phoon Chiu Yoke, who had been filmed without a mask in a video last year with social media personality Xiaxue, contended that closed-circuit television footage that captured her on Orchard Road had been tampered with.

The first day of Phoon's hearing on Friday saw the prosecution playing CCTV footage which had been spliced from a few different cameras to various witnesses, including Xiaxue.to testify that she had seen Phoon without a mask outside of Mandarin Gallery on Mar 6 last year.'Badge lady' Phoon Chiu Yoke claims trial for going maskless again, influencer Xiaxue takes witness stand

after pleading guilty to nine charges of violating COVID-19 requirements, including several counts of failing to wear her mask outside of her residence."My ground is that on hearing of the first mention of the charges dated Sep 7, after the hearing, IO Baharudeen came to me escorted by someone else and he made a snide remark ...

To prove their identity, Mr Baharudeen and a colleague again visited Phoon's residence and managed to speak to her. While Mr Baharudeen offered to record a statement on the spot, Phoon declined, claiming she was busy, according to the IO.


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Clearly she got a screw or two lose somewhere. She needs help not punishment.

give this lady a break.

There is NO reliable source or study to show a dust mask will protect you from covid. covid is spread by water vapor from your speech and cough, so you will need a mask to protect you from water bourn viruses.

Wear your mask and be proud of your experimental gene therapy ? Nope. This courageous lady give all those gawky sheep a slam dunk.

Tampering with evidence without informing the court is a crime. This case should be summarily dismissed.

Ehh, what?

The bitch is back.

Not wearing a mask is a crime!🙄☹️ Spending public money on trial proceedings. It can't get more ridiculous. Such a travesty.

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