Justine McCarthy: Many hotels and restaurants are thriving at our expense

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Decision to keep VAT rate for hospitality sector at 9% shows handouts go not to those in most need

for his consultancy service to the wine bars he used to own before he went bankrupt and which are now owned by Wallace Calcio. That company’s current shareholders, whom Wallace calls his “friends”, are his niece Tina Harpur, his former partner Patricia Barry, and three people from Italy, where Wallace spends much of his time and where he also used to own a vineyard until he sold it to his brother.

When his local newspaper, the Wexford People, put it to him that he still has “quite a connection” with the wine bars’ owners, Wallace,“Yeah, but it’s not worth a f***ing penny.” Odd that he would accept €5,900-a-year from friends for giving them advice about a supposedly worthless business. But let’s not dwell on Chianti Mick, he tells us. It’s just a media distraction. There are bigger fish to fry.

This perk for hotels and restaurants, which has been extended until the end of the tourism season in September, will cost the exchequer an estimated €280m. Reports preceding the Cabinet’s decision on Tuesday suggested that the Department of Finance was not in favour of the extension, indicating that it was entirely a political decision to kowtow to hoteliers and restaurants.

The Shelbourne is an exceptionally lovely and historic hotel where princesses and dictators have lain their heads upon its pillows. An entire television documentary series was dedicated to the establishment. Others that do not have the same allure have been accused of hiking their rates whenever there is a big event on, especially in the capital. This is the sort of behaviour that gives a place a bad name and damages the country’s tourism business rather than enhancing it.


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Having the SH as the photo tells the story...its very Dublin focused which shouldn't be the case.

The larger restaurant groups and hotels are maintaining their margins while their costs have increased across the board. I feel for the local individual providers across the country who struggle to balance with costs and staffing while trying to maintain a customer base.

They’re in business to make money

Retail vat is 23% and Hospitality is 9% and they’re price gouging. Put it back to where it was and let them absorb it as opposed to keeping it

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