Province announces 10-year cancer action plan, including $440M investment

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Province announces 10-year cancer action plan, including $440-million investment

The B.C. government unveiled a 10-year cancer-action plan Friday, with an initial investment of $440 million over three years to better detect, treat and prevent cancer.The initial funding aims to expand cancer-care teams and hours of care and access, revise payment models for oncologists and other cancer-care professionals, improve cancer screening programs, and support travel costs for patients from rural communities.

The remaining $170 million in one-time funding is earmarked for more clinical trials, genomic testing, and expanding access to new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and treatments. Overall goals include eliminating cervical cancer in B.C. and improving cancer survival rates and quality of life for survivors.


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I'd be happy if my brother had a Dr who could give him the results of his lung cancer early detection screening..seems drop in clinic Dr won't contact with results.

What good is all that money if you don't have a doctor to gain access to those treatments?

Family doctors, family doctors, family doctors!

How about a twenty/ thrirty/ forty year plan comrade?

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 /  🏆 15. in HOLİDAY

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B.C. government announces $440-million plan to expand cancer carePremier David Eby says the money will go to expanding service and screening programs. It will also support cancer research, Indigenous patients, and those who must travel for care from rural communities. No injections. At least: use a robot to scan EACH AND EVERY PRE-FILLED INJECTION NEEDLE FOR ANY ACTIVE MOLECULAR VIBRATION/subdivision. Because…well duh. Loads of crazy money so why are we being taxed to death Sad that we have to expand For Cancer but they can clone animals but not a cure for Cancer.
Source: VancouverSun - 🏆 49. / 61 Read more »