40 Times Hotel And Airbnb Guests Were So Surprised By Their Hosts’ Fails That They Took A Picture (New Pics)

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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40 Times Hotel And Airbnb Guests Were So Surprised By Their Hosts’ Fails That They Took A Picture (New Pics) hotels

Get a good night's sleep and it'll make whatever problems you've had during the day less tiresome. Likewise, roll around until dawn without closing your eyes and everything will become even worse. So when you're planning a trip, finding the right accommodation is one of the most important tasks.

However, both hotels and Airbnbs aren't always giving us — their customers — the full picture. We book the place, thinking it's going to fulfill all of our needs but then arrive at the premises and find something a little extra. Like a bad smell and dirt in the hot tub. Or, on the contrary, find a crucial feature missing.put together a list of pictures that guests took when they felt like the hosts may have missed the mark on maintaining their property.


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 /  🏆 18. in HOLİDAY

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