Travel expert warns Irish holidaymakers to always leave a towel by hotel door

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Flight attendant Cici, who shares travel tips on her TikTok channel, has a checklist of things she does whenever staying in a hotel. This includes making sure the door is closed tight.

Summer holidays are already on the minds of many Irish people as they plan to jet off to sunnier climates like Spain, Italy or Turkey.

READ MORE: Holiday warnings for Irish heading to Spain, Portugal, Italy and more European spots this summer The flight attendant also advised travellers to make sure the door is fully shut when they leave their room - something which she says is easy to forget to do. Hotel doors are usually heavy and may need a final push to be closed properly.When in her room, Cici checks the peephole to make sure it is closed. If there is no cover for it on the door, "just take some tissue and shove it in there so nobody can see inside your room", she advised.

She went on to explain that she uses "a personal safety alarm like the Birdie". Birdie is a personal safety alarm "made for women".


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