Tom Brady's daughter's science trick impresses NFL star: 'Don't believe it'

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Holiday Holiday Headlines News

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Tom Brady is enjoying a snowy vacation with his three children, and his daughter pulled out a science trick that impressed the former NFL star.

following his comments about Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction during the halftime show in the 2004 Super Bowl.podcast alongside Larry Fitzgerald and Jim Gray, saying that the infamous moment Justin Timberlake ripped off a piece of material from Jackson's clothing that exposed part of her breast was good for the NFL.

He admitted to not watching the halftime shows when he was involved in a game but said about that day:"We came off the field and that was when we had the wardrobe malfunction with Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson. [The media was] asking me about that. I couldn't even understand what they were telling me about. They said, 'Did you see the halftime show?' and I said, 'I didn't see anything.' I was thinking about the game.


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