Australia hits Israelis with sanctions, travel bans over West Bank settler violence

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Foreign Minister Penny Wong says the federal government has imposed targeted financial sanctions and travel bans on several Israelis and a youth group over attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank.

The Australian government has imposed financial sanctions and travel bans on seven Israeli individuals and one organisation involved in settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. The move comes days after the International Court of Justice found Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories and settlements in them were illegal and should be withdrawn as soon as possible.

"We would expect that all Australians would recognise the weight of these sanctions." When asked why individuals were being targeted by the sanctions when the expansion and defence of settlements were an Israeli government policy, Wong said Australia had been "clear in terms of state-to-state relations about our view". "They are unlawful under international law. We've been clear about that," she said.


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Israel Palestine: Foreign Minister Penny Wong announces Australia imposes financial sanctions on Israelis for settler violenceAustralia has imposed financial sanctions and travel bans on seven Israelis for involvement in settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. Follow updates live.
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